
We specialize in delivering permanent or temporary talent throughout the United States.

Direct Hire Recruiting

Our proprietary candidate database consisting of thousands of unique candidates gives our firm a significant head start when it comes to delivering our clients their ideal hire. Our recruiting teams perform a deep dive into your specific requirements, focusing on both hard and soft skills. We’re able to identify and engage with even the most difficult to find talent. We know how valuable your time is and every candidate we send over has already been screened by our team.

Temporary Staffing

In today’s business climate, talent needs can be difficult to predict. Not having the right talent when you need it can be detrimental to your business in many ways. Whether you need someone for a week or for a several month long contract, we are prepared to deliver at lightning fast speed.


This enables our clients to bring on employees under contract with The Tortotra Group and later convert the temporary consultant onto the company’s payroll. We refer to this strategy as “try before you buy”.

Here are some of the roles that we love to fill: